Case: Inspiration
Inspiration behind experience shop
Inspiration’s vision with the new webshop is to give the customers lifestyle with an impact – also online. The vision hits the behaviour of the consumers spot on as the consumers are no longer thinking in channels but expect to be met in the same way regardless of whether they visit the physical shop or the customer club, flick through the printed catalogue or browse the webshop. The consumers expect to be equally inspired, informed and serviced on all platforms. Therefore, Inspirations’ goal with the webshop is to integrate offline and online channels and hereby give the customers a total shopping experience.
Fusion of online and offline channels
A welcoming, inspiring, and informative online shop is not only good for online sales, it also very much influences the sales in physical shops. Studies show that many consumers are using the Internet to seek information in various online shops and then ultimately they buy the products in the physical shop. Therefore, an inspiring and informative webshop is of great importance to get the customers into your physical store and ultimately get the sale.
Social shopping
Among other things, Inspiration uses social shopping to master the omnichannel discipline optimally. Behind the concept social shopping hides the idea of involving the customers’ friends and acquaintances in the shopping experience. Inspiration uses this in its product lists in the webshop in which the customer via a single click can post the product on Facebook or 'pin' the product to its Pinterest board and thus share the purchase with his/her social circle.
Inspiration also uses the members of its customer club KlubIN when it comes to social shopping. It is possible for the KlubIN members to review a product in the webshop with a text or by an indication using 1-5 stars when they rank the product. Their review and evaluation is subsequently displayed together with the reviewed product and this gives other customers the possibility of reading about this member’s experience with the product before buying it themselves.
With the webshop, Inspiration introduces the new feature Collections. With the feature, Inspiration inspires its customers by arranging various products to be presented in e.g. the collection Danish Design, Cool Kitchen, or Behind the Bar. The customers can also create their own collection which is intended as a sort of extended list of favourites. At any time, the customers can share their collections via e-mail, Facebook, or Pinterest.
Pin your favourite products
Inspiration is one of the first e-sellers in Denmark to take the social media Pinterest to heart and the company uses it actively in and around the webshop because its market segment and content is perfect for the media. One of the ways in which Inspiration uses Pinterest is to identify the most pinned, and hereby assumed most popular, products and then promote these in the shop windows as part of the display Trend of the Times. Hereby, Inspiration uses its valuable knowledge from Pinterest about what products the customers like the most.
Case details
Launched in November 2014
Webshop, PIM, DAM, CMS and Design
Functions & features
Responsive webshop, Masonry web design, social shopping, and use of Pinterest
Winner of the E-Commerce Award 2015 and 2017
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