1 May 2020
Let's go live shopping
Live shopping is one of the e-commerce trends which are now seriously accelerating during the corona crisis where access to the physical shops is limited. The live shopping technology makes it possible for e-commerce companies to inspire and guide their customers online in ways which were previously reserved for the physical shops. An initiative which can not only strengthen online sales during the crisis but which certainly also strengthens the shopping experience and the relation to the customers in the future.
Live shopping had its breakthrough on the e-commerce stage last year during the 11/11 Shopping Festival in China, also better known as Singles’ Day where large brands such as L’Oreal, Levi’s and Nestlé successfully used the technology to give the consumers a very unique 24 hours shopping experience filled with exciting content, inspiration and exclusive product launches. When the crisis hit China only a few months later, the development accelerated and in a short period of time, live shopping became one of the most popular shopping phenomena in China.
Now we are also starting to see this development in Denmark where more and more Danish e-commerce companies choose to invest in live shopping. Live shopping also includes live streaming events where the customers can ask questions and shop directly from the video. In a time when social distance means fewer touch points between brands and potential customers, e-commerce companies may benefit a lot from incorporating live shopping in their business strategy.
Matas moves in
One of the Danish brands which have gone all in on the live shopping trend is the beauty giant Matas which in cooperation with Hesehus and the live shopping supplier Bambuser have been able to move some of the physical shop directly home in the customers’ living rooms in a short period of time.
At every live shopping event on matas.dk, the customers meet one of Matas’s competent beauty consultants who will deal with a certain topic in depth in the live video, give good advice and not least answer the questions which the customers can ask via a live chat in the video.
The beauty consultant can also recommend and demonstrate various relevant products which will also pop up on the screen directly in the video. If a product captures the customers’ attention, they can add the product to their shopping cart with a few clicks directly from the video from where the customers can comfortably read more about the product and make the purchase when the show is finished.
In this way, Matas makes it possible for its online customer to get the competent advice and guidance which they know from the physical shops and as a result, Matas creates an exceptional and personal shopping experience which can help strengthen online sales right now and not least long-term.

Mette Reinholt Mortensen, COO at Hesehus
“There is no doubt that here in Denmark we would have seen live shopping gain acceptance as a trend during the next couple of years, however, the corona crisis has really speeded up the development and with good reason. Live shopping provides our customers with a unique opportunity to create a present and far more personal shopping experience online and it meets the consumers’ demands spot on especially in times like these. And with a very short time to market, our customers get value here and now. For example, in cooperation with Matas, we only needed 10 days to go from idea to first live event"

Whenever shopping
However, not only live shoppers benefit from the good advice and guidance from the beauty consultants. In the live shopping menu in Matas’s inspirational universe, Stories, on matas.dk, the customers can watch or rewatch all previous live sessions and via the inspirational articles, which are related to the individual live event, the customers get an easy overview of what each event is about, which products the beauty consultant recommends as well as the beauty consultant's key advice.
In its pipeline, Matas is also ready with even more intelligent and personalised integrations of live shopping on matas.dk where the videos will help the customers with answers to questions exactly where they are in their shopping journey.
By integrating live shopping strategically smart in its existing number of guidance and inspirational offers, Matas is adding an extra personal touch to the customer experience online and is also setting the standard for the consumers' expectations of what an easy and personal shopping experience actually is.
Would you also like to shop live with Matas?
Matas went live for the first time on 27 March and since then Matas’s online customers have had the opportunity to tune into matas.dk every week for new inspiring live events.
Live babytalk coming up
Another Danish e-commerce company which has joined as frontrunner in the live shopping wave from China is the baby and children’s kit giant BabySam which is now preparing its first live event in cooperation with Hesehus and Bambuser.
With live shopping as a permanent element on babysam.dk, BabySam’s customers can look forward to an even more personal and customised guidance online as well as lots of inspiration and new knowledge from the baby and children’s world. In so doing, live shopping becomes an integrated part of BabySam's ambitious omnichannel strategy and thus contributes to maintain the relation to its customers and also the loyalty to the brand during and after the corona crisis.

Are you interested in hearing more about how you via live shopping can create exceptional and personal shopping experiences which drive sales online and which place you in the strongest possible position during and after the corona crisis?
Please call our Business Development Manager, Ditte Tvede Arentoft, at:
+45 20 47 24 44 or write to diar@hesehus.dk
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